Oschon's Respite

A small tavern for wanderers and friends
(Under the operation of Chocobo Travelers)
Mateus - Ward 21 - PLot 27

Oschon's Respite

Tavern - Shoppe - Headquarters - Haven
Mateus - Ward 21 -Plot 27

Home away from home...A small tavern for wanderers and friends to enjoy a hearty soup, a wholesome meal, a fine drink and a relaxing nightA shoppe where Ms. Abbie Rose sells the relics and findings of members and directs businessThe headquarters of Chocobo Travelers, a group of relic hunters and adventurers with space for business opportunities of various membersA haven... for when we need a rest and getaway

Oschon's Menu

Tonight's Specials

Drink Special

The Dark Glove of Oschon - House SpecialYou've heard of the Ivory Glove of Oschon, well, after drinking this concoction, you'll need two of those to guide your steps because this will leave you spinning...2 onzes Kahlua
1 onze Rum
1 onze Orange liqueur
A caramelized sugar rim
Topped with hand-whipped fluffy whipped cream!
This will remind you of Triple Cream Coffee, but with an added kick...

Featured Main Course

Battered FishHand battered as if blessed by Oschon. Served with a generous supply of seasoned popotoes. Served with malt vinegar on the side

Dessert in the Desert

Bubble Chocolate FizzDo you like Bubble Chocolate? So does Oschon, but add crushed ice and effervescent water and this fizzy drink will have you smiling and jovial all through the night!

Regular Menu Items


Tonberry ShuffleThis tonberry hued concoction seems innocent enough as it hides behind a hint of Mint Lassi while delivering a scintillating and refreshing combination of spirits. But when you least expect it, the “Shuffle” is on until the Tonberry catches up to you and you’ll need to sleep this one off in the care of Oschon’s Respite for the rest of the evening! So take heed of the Tonberry, friendly wanderers...1 Mint Lassi
1 onze Tequila
1 onze Faerie Apple Liqueur
½ onze La Noscean Triple Sec
Served in a martini glass with salted or sugared rim depending on taste.

Spirit of the Frozen "Wanderer"There once was a wanderer, lost and alone, no resting place in sight. So he curled up beneath a copse of trees, hoping the winds and rain would not find him. He was found days later, frozen as he lay curled up like a cloud banana. Hence the name and the main ingredient. Not all who wander are lost, but if you do get lost, find better shelter!4 cups ice
1 cloud banana
1 old world fig
1 onze dark rum
2 onzes Coffee Liqueur
1 onze clear rum
2 onzes Banana Cream Rum
1/2 cup heavy cream
1/4 cup chocolate syrup plus extra for glass
whipped cream for topping
maraschino cherries for topping
Combine all ingredients except toppings in a blender.Drizzle chocolate syrup in the glass.Top with whipped cream and maraschino cherriesOh, and Don’t Wander Alone, Oschon Be With You!
Non-Alcoholic Version Available

Oschon’s Torch“Bearing the Wanderer’s name, Oschon’s Torch stands on the opposite shore of Moraby Bay from Llymlaen’s Ring. Together, the lighthouses alert passing ships to where the bay’s jagged coasts lie.”2 onze Vodka
1 onze of Prickly Pineapple Liqueur
A splash of Blood Orange Liqueur
1 onze Effervescent Water
As a special touch, the barkeep’s will serve this lit on fire.
The promise of Oschon’s Torch leads wanderers back to land after the Navigator grants passage through rough seas. The flames dance wickedly against the backdrop of pineapple and orange colors and the fizz and foam of the water, but never fear, fretful wanderer, for you have reached a safe haven at Oschon’s Respite.

Selection of Fine Teas:
Coffee and Ale on Tap
Various juices as available


Raw Oysters
Fresh oysters to remind the coastal travelers of what they are missing... sun lemon provided on request.
Dark Pretzels
Even Oschon stopped to try this traditional Dunesfolk bread twisted into a knot, sprinkled with salt and baked to a deep brown.
Salt Cod Puffs
Tiger cod dipped in batter and fried in oil. Share with friends and other wanderers in the spirit of the tavern's namesake.

Hearty Fare

Fish Soup
A light soup of butter-sautéed whitefish and vegetables - a lighter fare stamped with Oschon approval.
Stone Soup - vegetarian selection -
Even with Oschon's blessing, sometimes all you can do is throw a stone in the pot and boil the vegetables into a hot belly warmer. Note this is not made with "Oschon's Stone" which gained sentience thanks to the god of the wanderer.
Boiled Crayfish
Nothing says a tavern like serving crayfish boiled in water
Mutton Stew
Mutton and Vegetables, a hearty stew for the long roads ahead of us and the roads we've traveled far from wherever that road began.
Tomato Pie - vegetarian selection
For those missing the forest here's a favorite from Gridania with sliced tomatoes in the appearance of a flower garden.


Rolanberry Shaved Ice
Rolanberries and milk drizzled with maple syrup in the form of an icee. Have one for the road!
Pineapple Ponzecake
This ponzecake is not upside down, because who travels on their head?
Redoutable Rolanberry Tart
It's a tart made with rolanberries tart You don't want to miss it before you depart...
(see how that rhymes)
Pearl Chocolate
The arch-nemesis of bubble chocolate. Did a Kobold sneak this on the menu? Just another folly along with the destruction of the civilization of the Nymians...

Contact Us

Special Occasions or Relics to be Found?Let us know what you need and we will endeavor to fulfill your request!Message us on Discord: Winter#3381or send a friend request to our members in game

Thank You

Come back and visit anytime!